Why Wait to Treat Your Hair Loss or Nail Disorders?

Hair Loss and Nail Disorders

How often do you get hair loss or problems with your nails? Hair loss and nail disorders are common problems affecting millions of people around the globe. The causes of these conditions vary from person to person. Some people experience them due to stress, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, autoimmune disease, and other medical conditions.

What is Hair Loss?

Also known as alopecia, hair loss usually happens over time because of a variety of different causes.  There are two main forms of hair loss – scarring and non-scarring. In non-scarring hair loss, the follicles are preserved which means there is the possibility of hair regrowth. In scarring hair loss, the hair follicles are permanently damaged due to the damage of stem cells. In other words, scarring alopecia is permanent hair loss.

What is a Nail Disorder?

A nail disorder is simply a problem with your nails. Many things can go wrong with your nails. Some are just cosmetic changes, while others are serious medical emergencies.

Types of Hair Loss and Nail Disorders

There are several types of hair loss and nail disorders, including:

Hair Loss

This type of alopecia usually starts as small patches on the scalp. These patches grow together until they cover most of the scalp. The patches are usually one or more round, oval patches that are 1-5 cm in diameter. They may also be present in the eyebrows, ears, eyelashes, and pubic areas.

Hormones such as testosterone along with a response to androgens both play a role in this kind of hair loss. Most men lose their hair starting in their 30s. Women lose it in their 40s or 50s. This is also related to female pattern baldness.  Women with female pattern baldness have thinning hair along the top of their heads. They may also notice thinning in other parts of their body, such as their neckline, underarms, and legs.

This type of hair thinning occurs because of stress to the body. It typically begins with sudden hair shedding, which then stops. Afterward, new hair grows in its place. Telogen effluvium is very common among women who have recently given birth.

Nail Disorders

This happens when fungi enter between the layers of your nail plate. Your nails turn yellowish-green and separate from each other. You may find white spots on your fingernails. An infection that involves only one nail is called tinea unguis. Onychomycosis usually requires oral antifungal medications.

This is a burning sensation around the area where your finger or toe meets your hand or foot. It’s usually caused by bacteria that live on your hands and feet. Antibiotic ointments can help reduce the pain.

This is a rare condition. Pterygium occurs when cells grow over the end of your nail. These cells look like small bumps. They get infected easily and can leak fluid into the surrounding tissue.

This is a fungal infection of the toes. It starts as a painful blister that eventually turns black. It’s also known as athlete’s foot.

Leukonychia striata is a condition in which tiny white lines appear. The cause is unknown. It affects older people.

Is another condition in which the nails become thickened. The exact cause isn’t clear. It’s more common in children.

Trachyonychia is a condition in which the tips of the fingers and toes are curved downward. Excessive pulling forces on the nail cause it. If not treated, this condition can lead to deformity of the nails and even permanent damage.

Occur when the ends of the nails bend inward toward the skin; this results in short, stubby nails. The cause of clubbed nails is unclear. It’s more common among elderly people.

Causes of Hair Loss and Nail Disorders

The cause of hair loss and nail disorder depends on many things:

• Genetics
• Age
• Stress
• Diet

• Medications
• Illnesses
• Hormone imbalance
• Other medical conditions

hair loss treatment doctor ashland kentucky

Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss and Nail Disorders

Most of us know what we look for when it comes to hair loss. But some telltale signs might indicate something else could be going on. Here are some possible symptoms of hair loss and nail disorders:

Hair Loss

• Thinning hair on the head
• Thinning hair at sides
• Thinning hair behind ears
• Thinning hair on top of the head
• Red patches on the scalp
• Follicles with no hairs

Nail Disorders

• Painful, dry, cracked nails
• White discoloration of nails
• Yellowing of nails
• Black dots on nails
• Thickening of nails
• Peeling of fingertips
• An itchy feeling under your toenail
• Erosions
(small cracks in the surface of the nail)

Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss and nail disorder treatments vary depending on the type of problem and the severity of the condition. Depending on the reason for hair loss, the doctor will use intradermal (injectable) steroids and/or topical solutions.

Treatments for Nail Disorders

For nail problems, treatments include topical medication, oral medication, and surgery.

Topical Medication:

Many topical remedies are available without a prescription which works best if applied regularly. Many topicals contain salicylic, urea, and lactic acid; thus, they must be carefully monitored because they irritate the surrounding tissues.

Oral Medications:

Some oral medications are effective in treating certain nail disorders. If you suffer from fungal infections, you may benefit from antifungals. You should consult with your doctor to determine whether any of these meds would be appropriate for your situation.


If your nail disorders aren’t improving with topical or oral medications, surgery might be necessary. The most common surgeries involve excising infected nail material. Other surgeries may involve removing diseased bone, changing the shape of the nail plate, or creating a false nail. Ask your doctor what kind of surgery would be right for you.

Hair Loss and Nail Disorder Treatment in Ashland, Kentucky

Have you tried everything to cure your hair loss and nail disorders?

Dr. Basedow is an experienced, highly educated physician and specialist in skincare. He has a strong reputation as a leading and respected physician in Ashland, Kentucky. He also has the knowledge to assess and treat your hair loss and skin disorder effectively.

primary care physician Dr. Basedow Ashland, KY

Dr. Basedow is now accepting patients from the following cities:

Greenup, Worthington, Hamilton, Russell, Raceland, Wurtland, Bellefonte, Iron Ville, Flatwoods, Ironton, Coal Grove, Westwood, Perry, Catlettsburg, South Point, Ceredo, Fayette, Canonsburg, Union, and Huntington.

If your hair loss or nail disorder is causing you significant discomfort, pain, or shame, you don’t need to suffer any longer. We are here to help.

Call Azalea Health and Skin Treatment Center today at 606-467-2360 and start feeling your best!