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What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition where hair follicles under the skin become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. This causes outbreaks of lesions to form, also commonly referred to as zits or pimples. Acne is more prevalent among teenagers, but it affects people of all ages.

Why Do People Get Acne?

You may develop acne for different reasons. For instance, women may have acne flare-ups due to menstruation. Teenagers may develop acne due to hormonal changes, while severe acne in adults may be related to a medical condition. During puberty, androgen, the male sex hormone, increases in boys and girls. Throughout this period, androgens cause sebaceous glands in boys and girls to produce more oil, thus developing oily skin.

ashland kentucky iisotretinoin therapy

Here are other factors that contribute to the types of acne people get:

• Oily skin (sebum)
• Blocked pores
• Ingrown hairs
• Hormonal changes (growing up or even pregnancy)

• Diet
• Birth control pills, whether you are starting or stopping
• Skin bacteria

• Dead skin cells
• Stress
• Genetics

Acne can occur anywhere on the body, but the areas most affected are those where there is a high concentration of sebaceous glands such as the neck, shoulders, face (specifically the forehead), chest, and upper back. Ignoring your acne can result in large abscesses and severe acne scars. Early treatment can prevent your acne from causing more serious problems such as scarring on the skin and emotional distress. Your age and the severity of your case will play a role in the dermatology care that you receive. There are various types of acne, so it is important to see a medical professional that can evaluate you and diagnose you with the right kind of acne.

Types of Lesions Seen in Acne

• Blackheads: A type of non-inflammatory acne. The color black is due to oxidation
• Whiteheads: A type of non-inflammatory acne. Whiteheads typically have white pus
• Pustules: Usually have pus on the top and are red on the bottom of the wound
• Papules: Small pink bumps
• Nodules: Large painful pimples
• Cysts: Often leave scars. Deep, painful pimples filled with pus

Isotretinoin Therapy Acne Treatment

In 1982, Isotretinoin Therapy (Accutane) became an FDA-approved oral medication to treat various types of acne effectively. Tretinoin (Retinoid) can also be used as a topical therapy. Isotretinoin Therapy remains one of the most commonly prescribed dermatological treatments for people with severe acne in the world.

Benefits of Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne:   

✔ Isotretinoin reduces the amount of oil your skin produces, preventing hair follicles from being plugged
✔ Isotretinoin annihilates the bacteria responsible for causing acne
✔ Isotretinoin helps to clear your skin
✔ Isotretinoin shrinks oil glands to normalize the growth of your skin, preventing clogged pores
✔ Isotretinoin Therapy is known for having lasting effects and has been used for over three decades
✔ Isotretinoin prevents pimples from forming
✔ Isotretinoin reduces inflammation  
✔ Unblocks pores

Isotretinoin Risks and Side Effects

Most of the side effects associated with Isotretinoin Therapy tend to go away once the treatment is over. Acne can make people feel depressed, and finding a physician to improve your appearance can help you gain your self-confidence back. Isotretinoin therapy is not recommended for pregnant women. Isotretinoin Therapy requires a prescription. Your physician might ask you to schedule monthly follow-ups with him so they can monitor your treatment.

Common Side Effects
• Dry skin
• Chapped lips
• Thirst
• Dry mouth
• Dry and irritated eyes
• Crusting of the skin
• Skin sensitive to sunlight

Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne in Ashland, Kentucky

Dr. Basedow provides Isotretinoin Therapy for acne at Azalea Health and Skin Treatment Center in Ashland, Kentucky. He has the knowledge, training, and experience to evaluate and diagnose your acne thoroughly. He will then create a personalized treatment plan that matches your needs.

Don’t let your skin problems get in the way of your happiness. Call Azalea Health and Skin Treatment Center at 606-467-2360 and book your acne consultation.

primary care physician Dr. Basedow Ashland, KY